Biebrzański Park Narodowy - w trosce o bagna


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Banery z lewej strony

  • Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
  • NATURA 2000
  • Aktualności turystyczne


8th edition of the "Weekend At Half Price" action - Spring 2020

During the weekend of 20-22 March 2020 it will be possible to take advantage of a promotional offer in the Biebrza National Park as part of the "Weekend At Half Price" campaign, arranged by the Polish Tourism Organisation and the Ministry of Developement.

Entrance cards for land and water routes for these days will be available for 50% of the regular price. The tickets for the bargain price are to aquire in the tourist information point at the BNP headquarters in Osowiec-Twierdza, which will be open from 7:30 am to 15:30 pm.

Tickets can be purchased from February 27. and the final stage of the action is planned for the weekend of 20-22 March 2020.

It will be also possible to purchase the admission cards with 50% discount online through the website choosing tickets with the name WZPC ("Weekend Za Pół Ceny") - 50%.

Weekend At Half Price - Spring 2020 offer:

  • Normal one-day ticket (PLN 8 -> PLN 4)
  • Discounted one-day ticket* (PLN 4 -> PLN 2)
  • Regular weekend ticket (PLN 16 -> PLN 8)
  • Reduced weekend ticket* (PLN 8 -> PLN 4)

* school and university students, pensioniers, people with disability
Children up to 7 years are free of charge.

We invite you to take advantage of the offer and to make a spring trip to the Biebrza National Park!

For more information, please visit

More information about visiting of the Biebrza National Park is avialable on the english version of the website

  • "Weekend At Half Price" - Spring 2020
    "Weekend At Half Price" - Spring 2020
    • autor: A. Łajewski (BbPN), data: 2020-02-13

« Powrót


Ekscentrycy polscy

Ekscentrycy polscy
2023.05.22  - 

Fundacja Terra Desolata zaprasza uczniów kl. III-VI SP na konkurs o nieszablonowych Polakach zapomnianych przez czas.

Życzenia Świąteczne

Relacja z akcji sprzątania Carskiej Drogi

Zobacz także:

Banery z prawej strony

  • Europarc
  • Biebrzańskie Wieści
  • Nasza Biebrza
  • Darowizny
  • Miejsce Przyjazne Rowerzystom

Dane kontaktowe

Osowiec-Twierdza 8, 19-110 Goniądz

tel. +48 857380620, 857383000

fax +48 857383021






CC 3.0: Biebrzański Park Narodowy
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